web design is my passion

image of a cat close to the camera, nose centered at the middle

any/find out | artist, protogen enjoyer, self-proclaimed firearms "researcher"dni: title case typers, people who use "your" instead of "you're", techbros, pieces of shit (proshippers, pedos, zoophiles, etc), shtwt or adjacent communities, npcs (republicans, bidenists, bootlickers), terfs, people who do not believe in individual redemption (changing for the better), philistines, traditional-minded individuals (fuck off). block on sight for obvious trolls (bait someone else). thin ice for anti-gun individuals, libertarians, people who type plainly (no tone, no emoticons, no context = i will misunderstand you), anthro vehicle enthusiasts (specifically taf, cars franchise mfs. all others ok, last two just make me very uncomfortable).before interacting: i ramble. i will blow up your replies/dms. you will probably regret following me (lol). use tone indicators if asked. i have social anxiety, please tread lightly. no tws for firearms, may occasionally interact with other sensitive media. i am absentminded as fuck. i use reclaimed slurs. i remove followers and block proactively (no hard feelings). i will take unresponsiveness as passive aggression/hostility if i cannot find a reason for it (i try my best not to).general interests in drawing, weapons, gear/kit, aesthetics, technology (and retro tech), gaming, food, energy drinks, armored vehicles, hyperpop, rock-adjacent music, death grips, crystal castles, too much others to list
special interest/hyperfixation in firearms, uniforms (military, commercial, police/security), y2k/early 2010's aesthetics/items/paraphernalia, general technical information, cloning (imitating/finding imitations of various items), possums
femboys with guns are cool. the gender everi totally didn't take inspiration for this format from another person. if you see this, hi

animated gif of a doodle-like creature hit by an explosive projectile

no truth in a world of lies